When we first tried real soap, it changed our lives! I never knew that soap from the store wasn’t really soap at all, it was a synthetic detergent that stripped the oil from my skin leaving my hands dry and cracked in the winter and my kids struggling with horrible eczema. I wanted to start making my own soap so that I could be in control of what went in it and could customize the recipes to the needs of my family. After a while, soapmaking became fun and I was getting pretty good at it, so I decided to start selling locally. We’ve grown in the last few years and are now expanding to farmer’s market sales and an ecommerce store. This year we are hoping to branch out from soap into a natural mason jar candle line and working more with our wool.

“Spindles and Scarlet” was inspired from some verses from Proverbs 31 speaking about a virtuous wife and mother–

“She puts her hands to the distaff,
    and her hands hold the spindleShe is not afraid of snow for her household,
    for all her household are clothed in scarlet.”

As a stay at home pastor’s wife and homeschooling mother of 4, I wanted my business to be based from the home and the fruit of my business to bless my household. Hence, Spindles and Scarlet.

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